History shows that whenever USA got directly involved in wars or joined wars, they caused progress of US economy, increased production of every thing, decreased load of loans and brought prosperity for the public Therefore, USA made the wars only source of .its development. The latest round of wars started in 1980 in Afghanistan against Soviet Union, till then the spread of US army continues in the world and now is active in different countries specially in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.
During the government of George Bush , it seemed that USA has forgotton diplomacy and made wars its hobby. Bush administration spent billions of dollars on these wars, experts say that these wars were started to minimize the volume of internal debts, but this time the wars could not bring the the positive results for the USA as thought. The reason is that the wars benefited a special group of people that were related to arms manufacturing industries, military and other concerned sectors. Bush government got loans from other countries to cope with its increasing war expenses. Today USA is spending $ 750000 on every American soldier in Afghanistan. It is obvious that this expenditure is fulfilled out of citizen taxes or from loans.
Look at peace loving and peace maintaining USA, it manufactures and uses huge quantity and number of arms in the world. Last year USA spent $ 698 billion as a war expenditure, while China was second and spent $ 119 billion and Britain had war budget to the tune of $ 59.6.Similarly, USA sold arms worth $ 20 billion ( India remained the largest buyer) in the world. USA has 43 arms manufacturing companies out of 100 in the world. USA has 856 army bases in other countries of the world while in its own countries has 6000. USA spends $300 every year on the maintenance and care of these bases. USA is spending $ 10 billion monthly in Afghanistan and now the condition is that every American is under loan of $ 176, 385. The experts say that USA may start war against Iran or North Korea, the self made enemies so that it can get out of worst economic situation..
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