Pakistan and the sentiments of Pakistanis are tested by USA and West often. Sometimes through publishing blasphemous cartoons (Danish Newspaper), some times burning of holy book and inviting to publish cartoons on facebook. But , what could Muslims do? nothing. Now , the latest, activity by USA in the heart of Pakistan in the capital the gathering of homosexuals in US embassy. Jamaat e Islami was the only political party who protested against it, no other took to the streets.
Other strong punch hit on the face of Muslims, Pakistanis the nation and Islamic norms was from USA 's foreign office. The spokesperson said that there was no complaint or protest received in the foreign office , officially. It means there was no protest against this act from the government of Pakistan. Spokeperson of the American foreign office Victoria Noland issued a statement that in the gathering of homosexuals in American embassy, Islamabad on June 25, large number of American officials, diplomats, leaders of Pakistani civil society, participated and favored the USA authorities for human rights. She further said that an organization of Human rights in Pakistan, GLBT, also favored this cause of USA. .
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